You have NO IDEA how much seeing Euline lift up her pretty little eyelids makes me feel SOO HAPPY <3333 I love your works so much, but Wimp Witch has my heart and soul!!
You have NO IDEA how much seeing Euline lift up her pretty little eyelids makes me feel SOO HAPPY <3333 I love your works so much, but Wimp Witch has my heart and soul!!
haha, what the heck? xDdd that's some good eats!!!!
again, watched 50 times over and then some
u got such a comfy style
seriously watched this 50 times
dies and goes to heaven, and by that i mean heaven is rewatching this 50 times, pausing all the frames and loving each and every single bit of this.
Wow! That was like...laughness.
For your 25 billionth review, I gotta say.
That was awesome.
I kept busting out laughing because I could related to every topic.
And RO and Furc at the end, nice.
You're teh awesome.000:
That was teh awesome, Locks are so mysterious.0:
And Clocks are...not. But.
Yeah, great job.:D
Damn that cracked me up.XD I am always saying,"Don't smoke,"to my friends that are like,'I'm so cool with the ladiez if I ah smoke.'
Nahaha, aha ha ha ha ha. *laughs like a retard* And for Sea Turtles,
I should go out...with a 'friend' and make some blankets for the little sea turtles...maybe they'll grow cannabalistic.0: And we'll have a new species.
I'll give you my profits for the new species discovery.
^( * ^ *) ^
Woo! Nice job!
You had a soundtack from the show...[that guitar was getting on my last nerves, it was liking shreeking in my ear...]
And you had nice graphics...and I love Bleach.
Ohmygod, that was awesome.
You did a wonderful job with it, very impressive comapred to most flashes, I thought it looked 3D on the preview.
Heeheehee, great job~.
I LOVE BIG BOOBS AND GIRLS!!! // Married to JuniperJackal
Age 33
Artist - Game Dev
She/He/Fae/Mer pronouns pls
Maryland's sea, USA
Joined on 8/18/05